Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Cuban Revolution

I can remember baby sitting with Mrs (before she became Mrs) for her older sister's kid on New Years Eve waiting for 1959 when we heard on the television that the revolution led by some guy named Fidel Castro against the dictatorial regime in Cuba was happening.

Later I became an admirer of the revolution and an avid listener to Radio Havana on shortwave 6.000 MHz.

I always have wanted to visit Fidel Castro's Cuba but never did and now never can.

It is amazing that this guy managed to survive the CIA, the american mafia and 10 presidents. Eisenhower,Kennedy,Johnson,Nixon,Ford,Carter,the dreaded and dreadful Reagan,Bush, Clinton, and the even more dreadful Cheny/bush over the past 47 years.

Viva Fidel.