Tuesday, May 01, 2012

...you never can tell

This is really for me, but on this day I always remember Bob D and Denis T. They could not have been more unalike. But they both did share this day and some of it's iconic images and themes. So, for them and me too.
Sorry about the ad , but capitalism still rules.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Waxing or is it Waning

Not to be outdone by my woods out back, here are my woods out front as they looked back in April of 2005, or was it '04. Doesn't matter really, but I just checked and it was 2005.

Waxing or waning...now that matters.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Still Looking for It

I did it again. Feeling a little more drifting than usual I sold my fairly new little Lumix DMC ZS7 and bought a brand new Lumix LX5. Both pretty nice point and shoot cameras. Then, and once again, the new camera while it has a sort of small cultish following of fanboys, didn't come with a manual that instructs inspiration, seeing, ambition, nor even techniques to substitute for same. Alas.

And worse yet, after I got the new machine and the accompanying remorse and second guessing I realized that I truly wished I still had my old early better than pretty good for it's time point and shooter the Panasonic Lumix DMC FZ30 for a whole bunch of "reasons" or rationalizations. So I threw out a bid on eBay and got one. Then spent the next day or so really in a state of self doubt and chastising myself for being an idiot. No, worse, a nut---a stupid nut at that.

So what's next. Maybe I will actually take a picture. Or not.

Feeling old.